Thursday, August 30, 2007

Musings !!

Today's feelings are yesterday's past
Yesterday's feelings are lost in time
Tomorrow's feelings would be nothing
In time, all this would be no more

Success - Musings...

Ask these Four Questions to yourself if you want to suceed...
Why Not?
Why Not Me?
Why Not Now?
Most of us are very poor critics of ourselves. We can easily criticize others and discover what is wrong with them, and we can easily build up an argument of our own side of the situation; but it is a far more difficult thing to be a self-critic-to take the situation that comes into our life and sit down with it frankly and say: "What did I do, or what have I said, that has contributed to this situation?"
There is not a person reading this page including me who is living up to his or her own possibilities. If you feel in a pretty much of a chaos, frustrated, lots of trouble and worry, just turn the searchlight on yourself and you will discover an available source of power. When you open up the channels and the avenues for that power, it will flood your soul and you will find yourself developing strength and poise, a solidarity, a feeling of security, that nothing on earth can shake!
Is there jealousy in your heart? Is there envy? Opposition? Don't expect a miracle if you retain an obstacle. There is some disciplining you must do. You have got to clear out the old festering sores of your heart. Perhaps you have lied about someone; perhaps you have been unkind; perhaps you have been slandered and gossiped. Perhaps you have been "little" when you should have been "big".
How can we transmit our ideals into action so that these ideals can have sway in our lives? Well, we have to begin in our own hearts. When we clear away all the clutters up the channels, the heart and mind are cleansed, the head becomes rarified and the old jealousies, animosities and hatreds are uprooted, and then, though trouble may come in and flood and encompass our lives, there still is a power that reveals our own possibilities. The mere fact that none of us is living up to his best does not predicate that we never can.
What do we do then??? God knows.... Well if it sounds like me pholosophizing well may be iam... Let me conclude with one note by someone...

You Have Ambition ??
You have a Goal ??
Now you have a way,
to make it Happen !!
Off you go beyond the boundaries..
Sail on the rays of the sun...

The right to speech. And no speech at all!

There's been much ado about the freedom of expression right from the time of constitutional evolution
the world over. But sometimes being quiet is more important than being vocal about an issue. So how
come nobody thought of the freedom to shut up?

Spiritual teachers have time and again emphasised the need to be alone with yourself to achieve inner
peace. But somebody who wants to stay mum has no legal backing to do so in our world! Friends and
well-wishers around you will force you to speak up, tell them what you're thinking, try to force
you out of your solitude by cajoling, persuasion and emotional blackmail. The message is loud and
clear: you have no right to shut up when you want to, especially if you're the gregarious types
most of the time.

The only occasion when the law gives you the choice to keep quiet is when they're arresting you for
an offence: 'Whatever you say or do can be and will be held against you'. But not all of us get
the opportunity of committing so grave a crime when such a privilege could be accorded to us. So
we're stuck with the freedom of speech for most parts of our lives, having to make the right sounds
forever! And because our society does not comprehend the Right to Silence, we're bound to make most
gaffes throught incorrect speech and suffer the repercussions of bad Karma. Tragic, don't you think?!
Like the Boyzone would put it, It's only words and words are all I have....

Kinda Quotes...

Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.
- Ambrose Bierce

Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings; he will not serve before obscure men.
- Bible

The man who acts humble in order to win praise is guilty of the lowest form of pride.
- C. S. Lewis