Sunday, June 15, 2008

Small Wonder - Solar Powered Cell Phone Charger

No power? No problem... the sun is there!No power? No problem... the sun is there!
The new, compact portable solar cell phone charger from Japan's Strapya World is without a doubt, the right product at the right time. With "eco" the trendy buzzword of the moment in Japan, this lightweight (40gm, or less than 2 ounces) power source absolutely fills the bill. Clean, environmentally friendly power from the sun... now, at last, you CAN take it with you!

The 2.16 inch (5.5 cm) tall charger comes in black or white, and there are two versions available depending on what type of Japanese cell phone you own. That's right, "Japanese" cell phone - the charger is compatible with either FOMA/SoftBank3G or AU/CDMA phones; there's a complete model listing at the Strapya product page.

This revolutionary new portable power source will absorb its maximum amount of solar energy in 6 to 10 hours, perfect for a day at the beach. If you don't have that amount of time or it's a cloudy day, just attach it to an AC adaptor and fill it up in only 3 hours. It takes roughly 15 to 25 minutes to charge up a dead cell phone and once charged, you've got 40 minutes of talking time.

Strapya and Tokyo Coil Engineering have partnered on the development of this very cool little device, and you can be sure that upcoming versions will not only be compatible with foreign cell phones, but other personal electronic devices like mp3 players. Pricing, at least for the current model solar charger, is surprisingly cheap at just 1,995 yen ($19.75). Free power, low initial cost and never needing to buy a cell phone battery again? Priceless!