Saturday, February 24, 2007

Gold : PETROL : Platinum

Platinum : Gold : PETROL

The title says it all... but still there are finer aspects to this. The prices of fuel have now hit a mind blowing Rs 49.81 here in Chennai and an excess of Rs 51 in bangalore.
I happened to notice the breakup of fuel prices in NIC some time back.47.32 (petrol price in Chennai in INR)=19.64 (value at supply point) +14.86 (excise duty + edu. cess - Central Govt.) +11.91 (States sales tax) +0.77 (dealer commission) +0.14 (other charges)
Now i can understand the value at supply point but the other charges seem to make no sense to me. The biggest question to me is to where this money is going? I still am negotiating potholes (and all the other inherent aspects of Indian roads), i still am riding in badly lit roads w/o road dividers, I still am running on standard 87 octane fuel (sub standard in many other countries) …

I am beginning to wonder whether paying taxes is day light robbery. I have always heard that problems need to be addressed at the grass root level. But here its way below that: HELL, I would say.

6 Wierd Stuffs about me. !!!!!!!!

6 weird stuff about me... hmm, are there only 6? =))

well i guess im weird enough to know this much atleast..

Here it goes:

1) I have this utterly irritating habit (only to myself ofcourse) of virtually analyzing everything as I say it, like some second person sitting on top of my head, makes me lack sponteniety many a time.

2) I can be extremely lethargic to the point of not being able to lift my little finger and what makes it worse is the fact that I feel as if something is dying inside my brain because of the inactivity, but yet, I will not try and occupy myself !! This is something I have been struggling with myself with from a looong loong time (the worse since i started to work)...

3) I have a strange relationship with the Comps- if it is off, I won't turn it on, if it is on, I somehow act captivated by it, no matter what nonsense is running or playing and cannot turn it off!

4) I forget stuff that might have happened a day before, but will remember in intricate detail some weird little thing that happened eons ago, which no one else will be able to recollect.

5) Innocuos things that I may see and not really notice during the day will play a central role in my dreams when I sleep!!!

6) I'm atrocious about keeping in touch with people to the point of being non sociable but for no reason at all! and ironically if someone actually gets in touch with me, I can talk for hours on end without feeling any strain or restraint, but will lapse into being nonsociable almost immediately thereafter!

Think Small!

Wonder what the guy who came up with the phrase "Think Big" must be thinking right now. Thinking small seems to be the trend.Many thanks to my friend who made it possible for me to post about a gadget in my blog. The greatest advantage it offers me is that I don't haveto charge batteries for running the traditional mp3 player in my car. Am secretly hoping that it'd motivate me to start running in a treadmill and make me lose all those pounds I put on in the last couple of Years ;)

What am I Doing ??

Sometimes I wonder why I am living this life. Why do I have to work 16 hours a day, put up with unclean, noisy room mates, eat tasteless food and live away from home? Why do I have to live in constant doubt of my happiness? And why do I have to go on, blinding myself to all these ?

Yes, I agree I have to work hard, make sacrifices now so I can live my life later. But what happens to my life at the moment? I simply turn my back on it and start working..again. Why is it so important to please my clients when I am myself displeased, dissatisfied and frustrated? Money? Security? Job? Dignity?

Sometimes I wish there was no money, there were no rich, no poor. No literacy, no illiteracy. No happiness, no sadness. No light, no darkness.

What would it be to have such a life? Where everything is neutral. You simply exist without purpose, without reason. Living, moving things. In all directions, moving as though operated by a lever. No expression, no feeling. Existing for the sake of existence. Nobody is happy when a child is born. Nobody cries when his dear ones die. No marriage, no festivals. No bonding, no break ups. No fights, no reconciling. No love, no hatred.

That our eyes were made to see, not admire. Our ears to hear, not listen. The hands to touch, not feel. The soul to be, not live.

It's hard to imagine. Hard to digest!

I go thro' this everyday. At the end of it, I am thankful to whomever concerned.. thankful that I can touch and feel and see and admire and breathe and talk and express and most of all, live.

The truth is that we are so busy with life that we miss out on all the things that really matter? The truth is that we work hard now for the future but don't realise the present slipping away in front of our eyes? The truth is that we are so tied up by the rules of this world, this society that we fail to think any different ? Well yeah I have received many "FWD"s of this kind.But I think the truth is that we have been designed to think this way, to feel this way and to live this way. It's all a part of a design. The designer? We are all in search of the designer. I have to accept it and go on as life takes me. I have the liberty to make decisions, to decide the kind of life I want to have. But in the end, nothing matters. My past, my present, my future.. nothing!!

Okay looks like I totally messed up this blog! I am not sure what I wanted to write. I started at something and ended up sounding like a philospher! It's embarrassing to say it, but yes I am confused! ( I mean there's no time I am not!)

"Everything becomes clear in death."

Let me wait until then!

A Kindof Quote !!!

The universe is not hostile, nor yet is it friendly. It is simply indifferent. — John Hughes Holmes
This reminds me of the Balboa saying to his kid: " The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your kneesand keep you there permanently if you let it. But it ain't how hard you hit, its about how hard u can get hit and still keep moving forward. THAT'S HOW WINNING IS DONE "

The Diary of a Young Girl !!! Book i read recently..

The Diary Of A Young Girl by Anne FrankWritten by the young jewish girl who along with her family had to live in hiding for fear of being caught by Nazis almost for two years.Poignant narration of horror filled days during the 2nd world war is very touching. The growing up years of a teenage girl during 1940’s in the troubled times where Jewish people were butchered in the concentration camps by Nazis. Her relationship with friends and her parents are simply told with socio political backdrop of a teenager's understanding. She shares her dreams (she aspired to be an actress in Hollywood) ,talks of her little friendships with boys of her age etc .
The tragic death of this 14 year old spirited girl Anne Frank in Poland only recounted by witnesses and later recorded by her father who survived the camps proves that wars may be won and lost by nations , but the humanity is always a loser of such numerous young budding lives.