Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Diary of a Young Girl !!! Book i read recently..

The Diary Of A Young Girl by Anne FrankWritten by the young jewish girl who along with her family had to live in hiding for fear of being caught by Nazis almost for two years.Poignant narration of horror filled days during the 2nd world war is very touching. The growing up years of a teenage girl during 1940’s in the troubled times where Jewish people were butchered in the concentration camps by Nazis. Her relationship with friends and her parents are simply told with socio political backdrop of a teenager's understanding. She shares her dreams (she aspired to be an actress in Hollywood) ,talks of her little friendships with boys of her age etc .
The tragic death of this 14 year old spirited girl Anne Frank in Poland only recounted by witnesses and later recorded by her father who survived the camps proves that wars may be won and lost by nations , but the humanity is always a loser of such numerous young budding lives.

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